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MIND Online Library


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The Library, and by extension the Research and Information Management Unit of MIND, plays an integral role in supporting the Institute, as it continues to be a learning organisation, providing quality and relevant resources required to effectively and efficiently support and respond to the needs of its participants and other internal and external stakeholders.

The Library, in providing supporting services to the training and development, consulting and research activities of the Institute, facilitates access to of a broad range of informational materials and learning resources (electronic and print) for participants, MIND Staff and Associates. The Library collects, analyses and disseminates documentation and evaluations for courses and programmes, which are delivered under the Institute’s scheduled and customised offerings.  



The Library arranges materials according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Scheme and catalogued using the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2).  It maintains the following collections:

  1. Ebooks

  2. Serials/Periodicals

  3. Reference

  4. Reserved (RBC)

  5. General

  6. Public Sector Modernisation

  7. West Indian

  8. Government

  9. Newspaper Clippings

  10. Video

Reference materials are available for consultative purposes and include information from the following collections:

  1. Newspaper clippings


      Other reserved materials

Library Online

In continued efforts towards strengthening and expanding MIND’s research and information resources and fostering and promulgating a culture of continuous learning and growth, the Institute recently acquired a collection of eBooks from EBSCO Publishing. Over 80 eBooks are currently available. These may be accessed either in the Library or through the portal on the website. Login details are provided through the IT Department.


Operating Hours

Opening hours are from 8:30 am until 8:00 pm on weekdays and 4:00 pm on Fridays and Saturdays. 


Internet Café

An Internet Café is available to participants. Currently, the Café at the Hope Campus has four computers while that at the Mandeville facility has two computers. There is no charge for internet access.


Collaborative Agreements with other Institutions

The library at University of the West Indies Mona Campus affords participants registered on the MIND/UWI programme access to a range of informational material to facilitate the delivery of the University programmes that are offered on franchise by the Institute.

The Library, through the Research and Information Management Unit, is involved in a number of committees which assist the Agency with networking and building collaborative relationships.  These have included:

  1. The Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJA) and specifically the Information Technology Working Committee

  2. The Socio-Economic Information Network (SECIN)

  3. The Scientific and Technical Information Network (STIN)

  4. The College Library Network (COLINET)


The Library attempts at all times to play a participative role by taking part in numerous activities relating to libraries and library development in Jamaica.



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Discussion Forum (Mandeville)
January 29, 2016

Training Managers Network
February 12, 2016

Policy Forum
March 18, 2016

Public Lecture
March 31, 2016

Training Managers Network
May 13, 2016

December 10, 2016

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