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    MIND urges public sector entities to take advantage of training courses

    Friday, July 14, 2017

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    Public sector transformation to present opportunities for civil servant

    Wednesday, July 05, 2017

  3. Executive Director, Transformation Implementation Unit, Office of the Prime Minister, Maria Thompson Walters (at podium), addresses participants in a recent forum on
    public-sector transformation, hosted by the Management Institute for National Development (MIND), at its Kingston campus. (PHOTO: JIS)

  4. KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) — As the Government advances plans for the transformation of the public sector, civil servants will be given the opportunity to upgrade their skills to be suitably qualified for the new jobs that will accrue from the streamlining exercise.

  5. Many of the new jobs will come from applying the new concept of shared services to the Government's ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). One such shared service is the human resource (HR) function.

  6. This is according to Executive Director, Transformation Implementation Unit, Office of the Prime Minister, Maria Thompson-Walters, who informed that “new jobs that never existed before are going to emerge in the public sector”, as a result of the anticipated changes to occur with HR transformation.

  7. Thompson-Walters was speaking at a recent forum on public-sector transformation, hosted by the Management Institute for National Development (MIND) at its Kingston campus.

  8. Highlighting some of the new roles that will be created from the centralisation of HR functions, the executive director pointed to the position of reporting analyst, which deals with data that resides in shared services. 

  9. This individual will provide information about employees, such as man-hours lost, days' entitlement, and how many persons are employed to particular MDAs. This information will assist managers to prepare their reports.

  10. There is also the position of shared services associate, who will be responsible for manning a “help desk” for employees. Thompson-Walters further pointed to the specialised roles of HR business partner; client service officer; and client services manager that could also emerge. 

  11. The executive director noted that the transformation team will seek to partner with MIND, along with other institutions, in order to provide opportunities for the upskilling of public officers, “which we believe is very important in any transformation”.

  12. Thompson-Walters pointed out that the concept of shared services is a new area that the public service must embrace in order to increase efficiency of service delivery. She said the idea is to build out the shared corporate services model that was identified in the Master Rationalisation Plan that was formulated in 2011. The plan contains recommendations for the restructuring of MDAs.

  13. “It's a simple model that says those activities that can be shared and then offered back to MDAs should be shared in a single organisation. HR fits neatly in that concept where you have a single entity providing HR services,' Thompson-Walters explained.

  14. She said that adopting this concept, which is now only being used by three corporate entities in the country, does not translate into closing HR departments in the ministries.

  15. “What it does mean, is that in those departments, HR functions will change significantly, and will be focused more on planning – workforce planning, succession planning – and assisting with the strategic direction, making sure that the Ministry has the manpower to carry out its functions effectively,” she added.

  16. As set out in the Master Rationalisation Plan, the concept will also apply to other areas within the public sector, including legal services; procurement; internal audit; finance and accounts; public relations and communications; and information and communications technology (ICT) services.

  17. The implementation of this concept is one of the priority areas that were identified for immediate action under the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies agreement signed in October last year.

  18. Other priorities now being undertaken under this renewed public-sector transformation thrust include a complete review of the classification of all existing public bodies, consistent with the public financial-management rules. This is with a view to divest some entities; merge entities where greater economies of scale can be achieved; wind up overlapping or inactive entities and outsource functions that can be better performed by the private sector.

  19. The transformation team is also looking at wage bill management, public-sector efficiency, and implementation of shared corporate services.


  1. Jamaica Observer Article:

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  3. Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
    Acting Manager for Customised Programmes Delivery and Administration, Management Institute for National Development (MIND), Latoya Swaby-Anderson (right), provides details about the institute’s upcoming Regional Public Sector Leadership Development Conference during a JIS Think Tank on Tuesday, June 27. Listening are Chief Executive Officer, MIND, Dr. Ruby Brown (centre); and Director, Business Development and Communication, Marlene Campbell. The conference will be held from July 19 to 20 at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston.

  4. Story Highlights
    The Management Institute for National Development (MIND) will be hosting its Regional Public Sector Leadership Development Conference at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel from July 19 to 20.

    Presenters will include Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid; Advocate of Adaptive Leadership, Social Policy Specialist and Leadership and Development Professional, Kirk Humphries; and Executive Director, Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) and Former Financial Secretary, Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Devon Rowe.

  5. The Management Institute for National Development (MIND) will be hosting its Regional Public Sector Leadership Development Conference at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel from July 19 to 20.
    The two-day event will be held under the theme: ‘Adaptive Public Sector Leadership, Changing MINDsets, Challenging Assumptions, Creating Transformation’.

    “The conference will challenge the mindsets of our public sector leaders, ensuring that they understand the environment they currently operate in and how the space is changing as we move towards national development,” said Acting Manager for Customised Programmes Delivery and Administration, Latoya Swaby-Anderson.
    She was speaking at a Think Tank held on June 27 at the JIS head office in Kingston.

    Mrs. Swaby-Anderson informed that the conference will include a think tank round table for Permanent Secretaries and Chief Executive Officers (CEO); plenary sessions; a panel discussion; and presentation of the Public Life Award for leadership.

  6. There will also be workshops covering topics such as: ‘the benefits of being an adaptive leader’; ‘how to shake up your organisation in the quest for talent’; ‘professional hurt’ and ‘how to get multi-generations to work effectively with one another’.

    Cabinet Secretary, Ambassador Douglas Saunders, will open the conference.
    Presenters will include Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid; Advocate of Adaptive Leadership, Social Policy Specialist and Leadership and Development Professional, Kirk Humphries; and Executive Director, Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) and Former Financial Secretary, Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Devon Rowe.

  7. CEO at MIND, Dr. Ruby Brown; Managing Director and Lead Consultant, Underwood Talent Development Services Inc., Ambassador Joan Underwood; Environmentalist and Facilitator, Caribbean Leadership Project, Dr. David Lee; and Regional Project Manager, Caribbean Leadership Project, Dr. Lois Parkes, will also make presentations.
    Approximately 250 public sector executives, senior public officers and senior leaders from the private sector and civil society are expected to attend the conference.

    Sessions will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. over the two days.
    Dr. Brown is urging leaders and managers to attend the conference and to take along at least two persons, who are not necessarily from the management team, “as persons may lead from anywhere in the organisation.”

  8. Persons interested in attending may visit

    MIND is the Government of Jamaica’s public service training and leadership development institute.
    The entity plays a crucial role in the transformation and modernisation of the public sector by providing quality leadership development options and management training.

    Related Stories

  9. Jamaica Observer Feature:

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    National College for Educational Leadership (NCEL) and the Management Institute for National Development (MIND) Signs Training Agreement

    Friday, April 15, 2016

    Education Minister, Sen the Hon. Ruel Reid (centre) smiles proudly as Dr. Maurice Smith
    (2nd right), Permanent Secretary and Dr. Ruby Brown (2nd left) Chief Executive Officer,
    MIND held the signed Memorandum of Understanding at the Ministry's Head Office today (Friday, April 15). Looking on are Dr, Taneisha Ingleton (right), Director of Programmes, NCEL and
    Miss Ann-Marie Smith, Director-Public Capability Development , MIND.

    The National College for Educational Leadership (NCEL) and the Management Institute for National Development (MIND) have established a Memorandum of Understanding to design, develop and deliver leadership training to public sector leaders in the education system with a special focus on middle-level management.

    Speaking on Friday (April 13) during the signing ceremony, Minister of Education, Youth and Information Ruel Reid endorsed the establishment of the partnership and commended both entities on their willingness to resist territorial instincts and joining hands to achieve synergy in the area of professional development.

    Minister Reid said the establishment of a partnership between NCEL and MIND is a positive move for the nation at large and a win-win situation for each agency. NCEL, a young and over achieving institution, can benefit from the organizational strength and reputation of MIND, Reid noted.

    In delivering remarks, Dr Taneisha Ingleton, Director of Programmes at NCEL, said the move to restructure and re-culture the public sector into a modernized system has redefined what it takes for its leaders to succeed. In this regard, she said, NCEL and MIND have committed to working together to implement leadership development and interventions.

    We have recognized that leadership is not only an individual but an institutional challenge and so a partnership approach could accrue greater benefits, Dr Ingleton told the gathering at the Ministry’s National Heroes Circle offices. When we leverage partnerships we create training solutions which are broader in scope, more rigorous in content and more flexible in features, she added.

    Commenting on the partnership, Dr Ruby Brown, Chief Executive Officer at MIND, said it was urgent to address the critical issue of leadership roles in the public sector through professional development intervention as this is of paramount importance in keeping with changes in the global market.

    Leadership is a practice. Whatever is the job title we ought to live, work and practice leadership, Brown stated.

    Meanwhile, Dr. Maurice Smith, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, said it was important to build capacity within the Ministry as well as the entities affiliated to the organization. We decided to reach out to an entity similar to ours to improve the leadership at the Ministry, he said.

    NCEL was established in 2011 to set and maintain standards for leadership and to ensure that system and school leaders are well equipped for their different roles. NCEL, through its programmes also identifies and develops future leaders to operate effectively in a modernized system.

    MIND is an executive agency of the Government of Jamaica, an accredited tertiary level training institution and the main public sector management training organization. However, its range of courses is also available to private sector managers.

    In the photograph, participating in the MOU signing from left are Miss Ann-Marie Smith, Director - Public Service Capability Development, MIND; Dr Ruby Brown, Chief Executive Officer, MIND;Senator Ruel Reid, Minister of Education, Youth and Information; Dr Maurice Smith, Permanent Secretary; and Dr Taneisha Ingleton, Director of Programmes NCEL.

    Education Minister, Sen the Hon. Ruel Reid (centre) smiles proudly as Dr. Maurice Smith
    (2nd right), Permanent Secretary and Dr. Ruby Brown (2nd left) Chief Executive Officer, MIND held the signed Memorandum of Understanding at the Ministry's Head Office today (Friday, April 15). Looking on are Dr, Taneisha Ingleton (right), Director of Programmes, NCEL and Miss Ann-Marie Smith, Director-Public Capability Development , MIND.


  1. Govt to Implement Gender Quotas

    Tuesday, March 22, 2016

    We recently partnered with the Bureau of Women's Affairs and CUSO International to host a Business Forum in celebration of International Women's Day 2016 under the theme; Promoting Partnership Towards Gender Equality and Sustainable Development: Experiences from the Business Sector. Over 130 persons from across all sectors were in attendance. The Hon. Olivia "Babsy" Grange, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport delivered the Government of Jamaica's key message on gender issues while Mrs. Alison McLean, Permanent Secretary, of said Ministry and MIND's Director, Business Development and Communication, Marlene Campbell brought greetings. Distinguished members of the audience included, Paula Llewlyn, Director of Public Prosecution, Donna Parchment-Brown - Political Ombudsman, Arlene Harrison-Henry - Public Defender, Professor Barbara Bailey - CIDA expert, Fan Fianghong - Economic and commercial Counsellor and Sylvain Fabi - Canada's High Commissioner to Jamaica.

    Panelists were Dr. Marcia Forbes, Executive Chairperson - Phase Three Productions and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, UWI, Mona, Mrs. Audrey Hinchcliffe - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Manpower & Maintenance Services Limited Group of Companies and Yaneek Page - Founder & Managing Director, Future Services International Limited.

    MEDIA Coverage:

    1. Live radio interview via outside broadcast on Power 106 FM -
    2. Excerpts from the event was aired on all radio stations in time allotted for government broadcasts (via JIS)
    3.. Audio Visuals on the two leading television stations (via JIS's Jamaica Magazine)

    4. Three On-line Stories from both the Jamaica Observer and JIS



    Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport Olivia Grange (left), greets Director of Business Development and Communication, Management Institute for National Development (MIND), Marlene Campbell (right), while Programme Manager, Cuso International, Roberta Ellis, shares the moment. (Photo: JIS)

    KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) – The Government intends to introduce legislated gender quotas to address the lack of proportional representation of women in Parliament and other areas of the society.





  4. Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport Olivia Grange made the disclosure at a business forum in commemoration of International Women’s Day, held recently, at the Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston.

    The move is part of Temporary Special Measures (TSMs) on the part of the Government to accelerate equality between men and women.

    It is in keeping with an action plan for gender equity and sustainable development in Jamaica, to be rolled out in the short term.

    Legislated quotas will also be introduced to address the under-representation of women in local authorities and other positions of leadership, and to increase the participation of women in the relevant branches of governance and socio-economic organisations.

    Grange said continued support will be provided to women’s groups and gender-related entities, such as the Jamaica Household Workers Union (JHWU).

    The plan also includes ratifying Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers, and ongoing training to facilitate capacity-building and institutional strengthening of the JHWU.
    Grange informed that strategic interventions will also be undertaken to build on gains achieved, particularly in areas covered by the Beijing Declaration for Action (BPfA), which is aimed at advancing women’s rights.

    She said the action plan includes revision of existing legislation, to make them gender neutral and compliant with the language and guiding principles in the National Policy for Gender Equity (NPGE), as well as commitments to regional and international agreements.

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  1. Name change for Bureau of Women's Affairs

  2. Sunday, March 20, 2016

  1. KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) – To refocus the work of the Bureau of Women’s Affairs (BWA), the Government will be changing its name to the Bureau of Gender Affairs.

    Making the announcement last Wednesday at a business forum, in support of International Women’s Day, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Olivia Grange, said a Cabinet submission has been prepared for the change, and will be enacted soon.

    The minister said a key feature of the agency will be the “re-establishment of the male desk, because it is not just about us, it is not just about women. It is also about our men, particularly our young men affected by marginalisation.”

    She pointed out that more emphasis will be placed on the National Policy for Gender Equity (NPGE), which was developed through a series of widespread consultations among key stakeholders, using a mainstreaming approach, and was approved by Cabinet on March 1, 2011.
    The NPGE was designed to establish a framework for a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to fully integrate gender in every area of national life. “The implementation of the policy is therefore geared towards achieving equal treatment for women and men,” she said.
    Grange noted that the policy will be implemented through “equal visibility, equality of opportunity, equal access to all resources, and equal participation in all areas of private and public life.”
    Under the gender-mainstreaming policy, the Minister said equality in the workplace is paramount, as it speaks not only to the increased inclusion and participation of women, but also the creation of a more family-friendly environment, which will be beneficial to both men and women.

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  1. Minister Grange to Address Forum in Support of Women’s Day

  2. By Judith Hunter
    March 15, 2016

    Photo: JIS Photographer Minister of Culture, Gender Affairs, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange.

    Story Highlights
    · Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange, is scheduled to be the main presenter at a Business Forum in support of International Women’s Day...
    · According to Marketing Manager at MIND, Shawnette Henry, the event supports the Government’s mandate to take action to protect the rights of women and girls and to rectify long-standing gender inequality.
    · International Women’s Day 2016 was observed on March 8.

    Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange, is scheduled to be the main presenter at a Business Forum in support of International Women’s Day, on Wednesday, March 16, at the Knutsford Court Hotel from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

    The Management Institute for National Development (MIND), in partnership with the Bureau of Women’s Affairs and Cuso International, will host the forum, under the theme: ‘Promoting Partnership towards Sustainable Development: Experiences from the Business Sector’.
    According to Marketing Manager at MIND, Shawnette Henry, the event supports the Government’s mandate to take action to protect the rights of women and girls and to rectify long-standing gender inequality.

    Other presenters include: Executive Chairperson of Phase Three Production and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the University of the West Indies, Dr. Marcia Forbes; Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Manpower and Maintenance Services Limited Group of Companies, Mrs. Audrey Hinchcliffe and Founder and Managing Director of Future Services International Limited, Yaneek Page.

    Ms. Henry told JIS News that MIND organises and hosts fora designed to stimulate public awareness on issues of national, regional and global importance; and provides an avenue for the exchange of information, which will result in an improved quality of thought and behaviour change among the citizenry.

    In addition, she said these fora also provide an excellent and strategic opportunity for leaders in the public sector, private sector, the academic community and civil society, to interface with each other and engage in a dynamic exchange of information, ideas and connections with far-reaching and invaluable outcomes.

    International Women’s Day 2016 was observed on March 8.

  1. Build your own brand, says educator

  2. By Alicia Sutherland, Observer staff reporter
    December 15, 2015

  1. The 2015 cohort of accounting and human resource students at the MIND campus, Perth Road, Mandeville.

    MANDEVILLE, Manchester — Staying relevant in the current work environment goes beyond merely returning to school and improving on one’s skills, says Manchester educator Dr Faithlyn Wilson.

    Speaking recently at a seminar organised by adult learners in the Associate of Science degree in Accounting and Human Resource programme at the Management Institute for National Development (MIND) campus in Mandeville, Wilson advised professionals to seek to build a personal brand.

    Wilson, who is principal of the independent El Instituto de Mandevilla Preparatory School, urged her listeners to be critical thinkers. They should be creative, find ways to communicate their ideas and also collaborate with people of different personality types. Wilson said professionals should remember that excellence is a moving target and they should strive for it at all times.

    Wilson said previous marks of achievement in workplaces, such as years of service, were no longer as important as used to be the case.

    “One job for life is now a remote possibility. We have to become a brand. We have to be constantly trying to differentiate ourselves and build demand for our product. We have to do what any good business would do with the product ‘me,’ with the product ‘you’,” she said.

    Wilson said skills and competencies are being measured with others in the global space and Jamaicans must endeavour to be more qualified to function in that competitive environment.

    Also addressing the topic of the skills, competencies and personal qualities required for success in the 21st-century workplace, regional personnel manager for the Southern Regional Health Authority (SRHA) Nerine Belnavis Waite emphasised that in a changing society, clients are more informed and expectations have increased.

    “Your clients are expecting a certain level of service from you, (a) certain level of professionalism when they enter your organisation. What we see on the decline … now (is) good customer service,” Belnavis White told her audience.

    In addition to the seminar, 26 students pursuing the course also mounted group displays.

    MIND facilitator Dr Darcia Roache told the Jamaica Observer Central that the application of knowledge learnt in the three-month course was impressive.

    “The good thing about MIND on a whole is that it (teaches) students… how to mix theory with the practical aspect…,” she said, adding that studying as an adult learner can be particularly daunting and required great commitment.

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  3. Coverage of MIND's 2015 Annual Graduation

    December 5, 2015

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  2. Parents Encouraged Not To Give Up On Their Children

  3. By Alecia Smith-Edwards November 5, 2015

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  5. Thank you

  6. Tuesday, October 27, 2015

    Minister with responsibility for the public service in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Horace Dalley (left), is presented with a copy of the Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme (PSSLDP) document by Dr Ruby Brown (centre), chief executive officer of Management Institute for National Development, during the PSSLDP's launch at the Office of the Prime Minister in St Andrew last Thursday. Looking on is Dr Lois Parkes, chief personnel officer in the Office of the Services Commission. (PHOTO: JIS)

    Additional pictures can be seen on our facebook page at

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    New Leadership Development Programme Launched For State Agency Heads

    By Chad Bryan October 26, 2015

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    New Leadership Development Programme Launched for State Agency Heads

    Sunday, October 25, 2015 | 1:06 PM     2 Comments

    KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) – Senior managers and heads of government departments and agencies are being encouraged to enroll in the newly established Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme (PSSLDP), as part of their plans for career advancement. This invitation comes from Minister with responsibility for the Public Service, Ministry of Finance and Planning Horace Dalley, who says the programme, based on its content, represents a “solid investment.”

    He was speaking during the PSSLDP’s launch at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), in Kingston, last Thursday.

    The programme is a joint engagement between the Management Institute for National Development (MIND), and Office of the Services Commission (OSC), with funding support from the Finance and Planning Ministry.

    It is deemed integral to the Government’s leadership succession strategy, and aims to create a cadre of senior executives capable of leading the public sector modernisation and transformation programme.

    The PSSLDP is also intended to prepare a corps of senior officers from whom the positions of Permanent Secretary, Director General, and Chief Executive Officer, can be filled.

    In this regard, Dalley told the first cohort of 25 officers attending the launch, that “every training opportunity (provided, such as the PSSLDP,) can (only serve to) enhance your personal (and professional) development.”

    Meanwhile, MIND’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Ruby Brown, noted that the PSSLDP “is clear about supporting individual learning needs…but priority is given to the strategic needs of the (general) public service.”

    To this end, she said “it makes (provisions) for (the delivery of) topics such as diversity, social inclusion, energy, and health and food security.”

    Participants in the PSSLDP, which is slated to begin in January 2016, will benefit from lectures delivered by facilitators from Jamaica and Canada.

    The initial participants include officers from: the Ministries of Education, Tourism and Entertainment, and Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; Forestry Department; and Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), among other agencies.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    MIND to Launch Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme

    Thursday, October 22, 2015

    The Management Institute for National Development (MIND) will launch the first cohort of the Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme (PSSLDP) on Thursday (October 22).
    The programme involves partnership with the Office of the Services Commission and the Ministry of Finance and Planning.

    read more


    Senate President to Deliver Lecture at MIND March 31

    Seminar examines laws to protect at risk youth

  11. INDECOM investigators get MIND training

  12. INDECOM Investigators to Undergo Training

  13. Take Part in Leadership Workshop at MIND

  14. Financial Services Commission 3rd Financial Expo

  15. Women in Business Expo

  16. Report- World Post Day Oct 13, 2011

  17. Caribbean Public Service Association 2011

  18. Jamaicans Urged To Support Public Sector Transformation

  19. 44 Revenue Agents to Join Tax Department

  20. Public Service Minister Urges Greater Dialogue on PSTP

  21. MIND Graduates Urged to Help Transform Workforce

  22. MIND To Develop Public Service Learning Framework

  23. MIND hosts short procurement course in June

  24. Procurement expert praises Government

  25. Public Sector Workers Flock to Procurement Course

  26. JTA General Secretary Says Society Responsible For Education

  27. CAM 4 Seminar | JTA General Secretary Says Society Responsible For Education

  28. Friday Forum - Wayne Jones

  29. Tell Employees How Transformation Will Affect Them

  30. Public Sector Workers Take Part in Leadership Workshop at MIND

  31. PSTU Head Says Public Sector Needs Radical Transformation


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