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Our Mandate, Vision, Mission & Values

Our Vision

  • "provide effective leadership development programmes and management training appropriate to all levels, and in line with the demands of a modern and competitive public service"

    CD 32/93 of 6 Sept, 1993


Our Vision

  • To be the pre-eminent and preferred public service training, organisational and leadership development institute in Jamaica serving the Caribbean



  • To provide public servants with quality leadership development options, management training, support-ing services and outreach that sustain a culture of enterprise, efficiency and responsiveness to the publics they serve


Our Values

  • Customer-focus

  1. - Anticipate and be responsive to internal and external customers’ needs

  2. - Give customers your full attention

  3. - Be an ambassador for the Agency at all times

  4. - Place the customer at the centre of all decisions

  5. - Show respect to all customers

  • Integrity

  1. - Be respectfully truthful, fair and transparent

    - Be trustworthy

    - Act ethically

    - Honour commitments

    - Hold oneself accountable for ones own behaviours

  • Teamwork

  1. - Share information with the wider team

  2. - Embrace differing opinions and cultures

    - Be cooperative in group initiatives

    - Support team members across the Agency

  • Professionalism

  1. - Maintain self-control

  2. - Keep private life outside of the workplace

  3. - Treat all persons like they matter

    - Seek ways to stay current in your field

    - Show up to engagements on time

    - Dress in keeping with proper workplace attire

  • Results Oriented

  1. - Deliver work consistently and in a timely manner

    - Produce accurate, high quality work

    - Hold oneself accountable for results produced

    - Commit to the vision and mission of the Agency

    - Share ideas on how to improve levels of effectiveness and efficiency

    - Utilize innovative means to get work done       




Discussion Forum (Mandeville)
January 29, 2016

Training Managers Network
February 12, 2016

Policy Forum
March 18, 2016

Public Lecture
March 31, 2016

Training Managers Network
May 13, 2016

December 8, 2016

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