Conference Speakers


Mr. Kirk Humphery

Mr. Kirk Humphery

Advocate of Adaptive Leadership, Social Policy Specialist and
Leadership and Development Professional

Keynote Speaker

Mr. Devon Rowe

Mr. Devon Rowe

Executive Director, Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD)
Former Financial Secretary Ministry of Finance and the Public Service

Keynote Speaker

Senator The Honourable Ruel Reid

Senator The Honourable Ruel Reid

Minister of Education, Youth & Information

Day 1 - Concurrent Session: Why Risk it? - The Benefits of Being an Adaptive Leader

Dr. Lois Parkes

Dr. Lois Parkes

Regional Project Manager
Caribbean Leadership Project

Day 1 - Concurrent Session: Think Tank Roundtable for Permanent Secretaries & Chief Executive Officers

Dr. Ruby Brown

Dr. Ruby Brown

Chief Executive Officer
Management Institute for National Development (MIND)

Day 1 - Concurrent Session: Professional Hurt

Ambassador Joan H. Underwood

Ambassador Joan H. Underwood

Managing Director and Lead Consultant
Underwood Talent Development Services Inc.

Day 1 - Concurrent Session: Retain the Best, Challenge the Rest: How to Shake Up Your Organization in the Quest for Talent


Mrs. Jermain Jewel Jean-Pierrre




Dr. David Lee

Dr. David Lee

Environmentalist and Facilitator
Caribbean Leadership Project (CLP)

Day 1 - Concurrent Session: Challenging Assumptions Environment Centred Governance


Mrs. Latoya Anderson-Swaby


Day 2 - Session: Rear View Mirror



Mrs. Jermaine Jewel Jean-Pierrre


Day 2 - Session: Building an Innovation Agenda for the Future - Institutions, Strategy and Governance

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