Senator The Honourable Ruel Reid



Senator The Honourable Ruel Reid

Minister of Education, Youth and Information


Day 1 - Concurrent Session:
Why Risk it? - The Benefits of Being an Adaptive Leader

Senator Reid was appointed Minister of Education, Youth and Information in March 2016. He has had a distinguished career in education which began in 1996 when he joined the academic staff at his alma mater Munro College. Since then he has had numerous achievements which include being appointed Master Teacher in 2003.

He has served the Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA) in numerous ways such as St. Elizabeth parish representative to the General Council, member of the Secondary and Credentials Committee and Chair of the St. Elizabeth parish debating committee. In 2004 he was elected President and served as President-Elect (2004-2005) and as the 38th president from 2005-2006.

In 2006 he was appointed Principal of Jamaica College, one of the leading boys’ school in Jamaica. Through his transformational and effective leadership he guided the restoration of Jamaica College to its former prominence. Significant improvements and expansion have been made to the school’s campus and is now regarded as one of the best educational facility in Jamaica and the Caribbean. Senator Reid has received several awards recognizing his work in Education. He was conferred with the Order of Distinction (Commander Class) in 2011. Other awards include the Vocational Award for Excellence from the Rotary Clubs of St. Andrew and Downtown Kingston in 2007 and 2009 respectively.