Panel Discussion

Day 1

The Generational Divide -
How to Get Multi-generations to Work Effectively with One Another

Today’s workplace is filled with distinct generations interacting to achieve organizational goals, with each generation bringing unique perspectives, experiences, skills and challenges. Therefore leading this multi-generational workforce requires an understanding of the potentials, values and differences that each group brings, so that we can embrace and harness these differences to the benefit of the organization.

In this session, public sector leaders, from across generations, will share their perspectives, experiences and strategies towards building workforce synergy and bridging the generational divide.


Main Ballroom


Dr. Winston Sutherland


Dr. Winston Sutherland

Principal OD & Learning Specialist,
Department for International Development

Mrs. Ava Whyte-Anderson

Mrs. Ava Whyte-Anderson

Programme Analyst for Capacity Development
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Dr. Alwyn Hales

Dr. Alwyn Hales

Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Transport and Mining

M. Audrey Stewart-Hinchcliffe, C.D., J.P., M.Sc., B.A.

M. Audrey Stewart-Hinchcliffe, C.D., J.P., M.Sc., B.A.

Chairman and CEO
Manpower and Maintenance Services Placement Agency Limited (MMSPA)

Dr. Teneisha Ingleton

Dr. Teneisha Ingleton

Director of Programmes
National Council on Educational Leadership

Dr. Wayne St. Aubyn Henry

Dr. Wayne St. Aubyn Henry

Director General
Planning Institute of Jamaica


Day 2

Bend not Break - My Adaptive Leadership Journey



Mrs. Audrey Sewell CP, JP



Ambassador Sheila Sealy Monteith



Mr. David Dobson

Ministry of Transport and Mining


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