Dr. Lois Parkes



Dr. Lois Parkes

Regional Project Manager
Caribbean Leadership Project

Day 1 Concurrent Session:
Roundtable Dialogue for Permanent Secretary's/CEO's Role

Dr. Parkes currently holds the position of Regional Project Manager (appointed in January 2016) for the Caribbean Leadership Project (CLP), a project funded by the Canadian Government to support leadership development in the Caribbean which targets through its leadership development programme, up to 250 senior officials in the public services of the twelve participating CARICOM countries as well as key regional institutions.

Prior to that, she served for over twenty (20) years in the Public Service in Jamaica, in varying capacities, in the Office of the Prime Minister, the Office of the Cabinet and the Office of the Services Commissions. Some of the key positions she has held include that of Chief Technical Director with responsibility for the development of the strategic human resource capacity of the public sector, and Chief Personnel Officer in the Office of the Services Commissions, where she had overall responsibility for providing leadership to the Office of the Services Commissions.

She has been integrally involved in a number of public sector transformation initiatives since 1999, including the establishment of the output-focused Performance Management and Appraisal System for the Public Sector, the decentralization of several HR functions, and the transformation of numerous Executive Agencies. Dr. Parkes has also served on a number of inter-ministerial committees, including the Values and Ethics and the Public Sector Transformation Sub-Committees of the Permanent Secretaries Board, the Public Sector Transformation Committee, the Whole of Government HR Strategy Committee, the Advisory Board of the Management Institute for National Development, the CXC National Committee and the Caribbean Leadership Project Action Research Round Table.